Everyone needs directions. Suddenly i felt that i've lost the reason to why i've a blog. It's the place where i retreat, reflect and remember. At least i got reminded of it today.
It's that time again. I've not had a nice quiet bus ride in a long time. No rush, no sweat, just going where i'm going and enjoying my world within the music through my ears. It made me think about past events that I shouldn't have let happened. It's so hard to let these matters go by and to find it within yourself to be magnanimous, to forgive and forget. Perhaps i'm just waiting for a proper explanation, an apology or some reason of some sort before these walls around these unpleasant memories would crumble and fall away.
Time doesn't heal all things, time simply bleaches them, folds them, hides them but traces would always remain to haunt you. I hate this icky feeling. I seek closure to everything that happens and i've to have it happen.
and so she ponders, wishes & scribbles
Monday, December 22, 2008
To Do List.
I'm up waiting for a call. Contemplating on another glutinous rice ball soup. It was "dong zhi" or Winter solstice. The day Chinese collect their harvest and prepare for new year as the whole family enjoys a warm bowl of rice ball dessert.
I am quite excited to go America. As you said, to curb my insatiable desire. Haha! I'm worried i will be bogged down by work because i've trainings and matches before the break and tests after the break. *fingers crossed*
Meanwhile I am gonna try to save up but i still need these just for new year. It happens to fall on my birthday so spurging alil' should be fine eh? :))
1. lotsa new lingerie haha!
2. new pairs of jeans in black and blue.
3. kickass comfy work/party heels
Finally muster the energy to get my basic test date. High doubtful about me actually learning to drive after the test.
Am gonna try to invest my mula while i'm young.
Perhaps stop being excited about shopping in america and that i want a new mac laptop. Woohoo!
Meanwhile please please give me the mental strength to start on my thesis and send me Your blessings on Tuesday! Hope!!!
and so she ponders, wishes & scribbles
Sunday, December 21, 2008
What i've got for Christmas.
This is quite a horrible picture from Chloé.
I might put up better photos soon. I'll be carrying the red one around next semester. Hopefully not jinxed by it. Really thought it was fugly when i got it but then i saw the reversible psychedelic colourful side. Yummy. I love the whimsical nature of it despite how it makes me look short since it's such a long and bag bag. Of course, i love the full leather smell of it. Sheepskin and all. Yummy Yum.
But there's no better smell than the morning smell you wake up to.
I might put up better photos soon. I'll be carrying the red one around next semester. Hopefully not jinxed by it. Really thought it was fugly when i got it but then i saw the reversible psychedelic colourful side. Yummy. I love the whimsical nature of it despite how it makes me look short since it's such a long and bag bag. Of course, i love the full leather smell of it. Sheepskin and all. Yummy Yum.
But there's no better smell than the morning smell you wake up to.
and so she ponders, wishes & scribbles
Friday, December 19, 2008
Nasty Habits & Evil Addictions
You're my nasty habit and I'm your evil addiction.
Cold turkey is tough.
Having a game later is pure torture. Not to mention results coming out soon.
Oh, Please have mercy on me.
Will update soon.
Now's the time to Hope.
and so she ponders, wishes & scribbles
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Everything is a vivid blur
Traveling by Singapore Airlines.
Living in a villa this time.
Can't wait for Thursday to end on a happy note.
and so she ponders, wishes & scribbles
Counting on
Kisses Given
Old photos
Hugs & KissesSmiles & friendly faces
Indulging in reverie
People watching
A good book
Eating good food
Dolling up
My loved ones
Boo Boos
frumpy people
Come talk to me
melissa ng
jacko bro
peline tan
kenneth jnr
stephanie lim
sue ann hottie
evelyn sweets
daniel twinnie
jabriel :)
I ♥
delicious darlings
No Present without the Past
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
December 2010
CODES - tereIMAGES - pixelgirl
HOST - lonelyME